Sunday, September 19, 2010

In principio erat Verbum . . .

. . . and then the Word was mutated, all too commonly in The New Zealand Herald. But enough about that would-be rag; I've seen her face and now I'm a believer. Whose face, I don't hear you ask? The face of Bloggea, Goddess of Blogs, which looks something like this lassie's (no sculptor has yet dared to represent Bloggea's features; should she deem it a poor likeness she could ruin their reputation via the blogosphere in seconds).

This small offering to Bloggea aims to provide remedial reading for a sick age -- there has never been so much to read and so little worth reading. Identifying and diagnosing this sickness is New Zealand Gerald's mission and he'd be delighted to have you along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Hark! You do bring us glad tidings of great joy, New Zealand Gerald, in heralding your endeavour! And that's a fair bust of para-Bloggea you link to.
